Thursday, January 9, 2025

2025 Island Batik Ambassador

I'm so proud to announce that I am an Island Batik Ambassador for 2025.  This will be my 12th year as an Ambassador.  I have been in the program since it began and it has been a dream come true for me.  Each year has held creative challenges, beautiful fabrics and wonderful people to work with/

As happens each year, the Ambassadors receive products from Island Batik and sponsors to use in making projects each month.  Below you will see a brief video of what came in my first box for 2025.

It's always good to have a closer look for all the products in the video, so look at the photos below.

From Island Batik is a generous half yard bundle of the Fall 24 collection called Joyous designed by Jerry Khiev.  This collection ships to shops this Feb and will be used in my Feb Blog Hop post.  They also sent 2 yards each of a light and dark from the collection to use.

Two packages of Gradation Precuts- a 10" Stack of Precious Pink and a 2 1/2" Strip pack of Glorious Green.  These collections are always available.

A 10" Stack of Forest Flora and  2 yards each of a light and dark coordinating fabric from the Foundations Collection.  Forest Flora is a Fall 2024 Collection by Deb Tucker's Studio 180 Design.

Island Batik is very generous to send yardage in white, black and gray so that we have it on hand whenever we need it.  Four yards of each color!  There have been countless times I've appreciated having these colors in my stash ready to use.

Also Island Batik sends a generous 6 yard cut of  one of their Neutral fabrics.  This time I received the color Sprinkles which is one of my favorites.  This is one of the lightest Neutrals, with light gray dots.  It is almost hard to see the print in the  photo.

The Island Batik Foundations Collections include Solids, Gradations, Blenders and Basics.  The greatest thing about these fabrics is that they are always available.  The fabrics also blend really well with the different seasonal collections.  We were sent 12 half yard cuts in a variety of colors.

Each Ambassador was sent three Stash Builder Bundles.  These packages have 5 rolls of 5" x WOF strips.  Four different colored strips in each roll.  These rolls are a great way to increase the color range in your fabric collection.  I especially like to draw from these when I'm paper piecing and need a variety of colors in a project.

The last collection sent from Island Batik is a Surprise Bundle!  This half yard collection is a Winter 2024 collection and will not be in the stores until May, so I can't show it to you.  I will be creating with this collection for my May Ambassador Challenge so stay tuned!

The Island Batik Ambassador program has several Sponsors that support the program with their product for us to use.

Accuquilt Go!  sent each Ambassador a 10" Irish Chain Cutting Die.  This is one of their BOB or Block on Board dies, meaning all the pieces needed for the block can be cut using this one die.  They also sent a cutting mat that fits the die.  This die came in an earlier package so doesn't show up in my video.

Schmetz Needles is a great sponsor and sends a variety of needle packs for us to use in making our projects.  I've used these needles my whole career.

Aurifil sends thread that blends with our fabric collections.  This time I received a green 1231, teal 4093 and purple 1243.  Such lovely colors!

For the second year Oliso is one of our Sponsors.  This year they sent each Ambassador one of their M3Pro irons.  The iron I received is a lovely green.  I'm really tickled with this iron.  They call it a traveling iron because it is rather small.  I love it because it is small and is much lighter to handle.  The iron does have spray but I don't use that feature.  One new feature I can't wait to try is it has a light on the tip!  How clever is that!  Where I iron can be rather dark, so I'm looking forward to this feature.

Included with the iron is a  Sol Mate silicone iron rest.  Very handy!  And it came in a matching green color.  Oliso also sent an iron carry bag that fits the M3Pro.  That was very nice!  Anyone that takes an iron to and from a class will really appreciate this bag!  You will hear more about this cute little iron in future posts as I try it out.

Another Sponsor the first half of the year is Funky Friends Factory.  We each get to choose one of her cute animal patterns to make.  You will be seeing what I make in June.  I'm looking forward to this challenge!

This is a very generous box of products that already have my creativity flowing!  Later this month we will receive another box with batting from Hobbs and a specialty ruler from Studio 180 Design. These are both also Sponsors to the Ambassador program.

Follow my blog each month to see the various challenges and what all the Ambassadors create.  It should be an interesting year!

Many thanks to Island Batik, Aurifil Thread, Accuquilt Go!, Schmetz Needles, Oliso, Studio 180 Designs, Hobbs Batting and Funky Friends Factory for supplying products to use thru the Island Batik Ambassador Program.


  1. What a lovely collection of fabrics! I love my Oliso iron but the little one sounds great, especially a carrying bag. Happy stitching and creating!

  2. Short and sweet video! Such a lovely box. I can't wait to see what you make this year. Happy Sewing!

  3. Looking forward to seeing what you make this year with these wonderful goodies!

  4. Congratulations on another year as an Island Batik Ambassador! I commend them on their continued ability to recognize talent and creativity. I'm curious about that cute little iron, so I'll be staying tuned for your opinion about that, too.

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