If you've been following along on making Amy Bradley's Doll House quilt- this is the month to put all the blocks together. At last! The pattern has either 10 rooms or13 rooms which makes an extra level to the house.
You can arrange the rooms in any way you like. Have fun! I decided to make 10 rooms and this is how I decided to place them.
First you sew the sashings to the sides of the rooms and sew them into rows, then sew the rows together with sashing between each row. Easy!
Then sew the top and bottom sashings and then the side sashings.
Next you need to applique the fence to the side panels and the top little sashings and sew them on.
Then sew the sidewalk to the grass sections and sew them to the bottom of the quilt.
Next comes the roof sections. This seems complicated at first, but Amy has really simplified how to get the roof and sky assembled. It's all in how you trim up the pieces once they are sewn together. Read your instructions carefully. The photo below shows how I trimmed one of the segments.
Here is a photo of assembling one of the windows on the applique pressing sheet.
Follow the directions on finishing the attic block and roof/sky pieces and sew the blocks together into a row. Sew the row to the top of the doll house. Amy adds the cutest wide ric rac to the roof edge. I wanted to use things I already had in my stash and I only had narrow white ric rac, so I used that and it's still cute.
This is a photo of my assembled blocks before I remembered to add the ric rac.
The last thing to add is the outside borders. I decided not to add borders for a couple reasons. I thought it was a pretty big quilt already and had been thinking of not putting them on and then I found the perfect backing fabric in my stash and it just fit the quilt without the borders. That made my decision easy!

This was a lot of work for one month, but if you are like me you were excited to put everything all together! Next month we will talk about quilting and finishing touches. It's almost done!
Post photos in the comments if you can, I'd love to see your doll houses.(you may need to open the blog post in your browser to see where to comment).
Here are the girl and boy bedrooms that my sister Jody made for her doll house quilt. I love how each room can be so different!
The doll houses are almost done!