Saturday, March 8, 2025

It's All Up To You Island Batik Ambassador Challenge


Fab Farm   38" x 39"  by Connie Kauffman   Pattern by Elizabeth Hartman

The March challenge for the Island Batik Ambassadors is called It's All Up To You.

This challenge is always a favorite as we can do whatever project we want.  There are always patterns in the back of our minds, or patterns by other designers we are wanting to make.  This time I had a pattern by Elizabeth Hartman called Fab Farm that I was excited to work on.  This is a cute pattern with farm animals and some sunflowers, a bee and a strawberry.  Using Island Batik fabrics brought these to life.

Elizabeth's  patterns have simple piecing, but ALOT of cutting.  I cut each block and stacked each block on a  paper plate.  Once all the blocks were cut out, it was fun to sew a block at a time.

I used a variety of Island Batik fabrics from the Stash Builder rolls and scraps from previous Island Batik projects.  Gray solid Island Batik was used for the background.

These are the pieces to make the chicken.

Below you can see the bee and strawberry block sewn together.  The horse block is in process.  Isn't it cute already!

The eyes for the cow were a challenge.  Dark eyes didn't show up against the black.

All the blocks are done and ready to be put together.  I should say that I made the small quilt from the pattern.   Elizabeth's pattern also has a layout for a larger quilt which you can see on the cover of her pattern.

I quilted it in a diagonal cross hatch pattern.  Hobbs Cotton battingSchmetz needles and Aurifil Thread made quilting a breeze.

Many thanks to Island Batik, Hobbs Batting, Schmetz Needles and Aurifil thread for supplying products for this project thru the Island Batik Ambassador program.

Be sure and check out the other Island Batik Ambassadors March Challenge projects.

Brenda Alburl ~ Songbird Designs

Renee Atkinson ~ Pink Tulip Quilting

Tina Dillard – Quilting Affection Designs

Brittany Fisher ~ Bobbin with Brittany

Kimberly Flannagan – Kimberlys Quilts

Preeti Harris ~ Sew Preeti Quilts

Mania Hatziioannidi ~ Mania for quilts

Connie Kauffman ~ Kauffman Designs

Connie Kresin Campbell ~ Freemotion by the River

Emily Leachman ~ The Darling Dogwood

Denise Looney ~ A Quiltery

Leah Malasky ~ Quilted Delights

Lisa Pickering ~ Lisa’s Quilting Passion

Sarah Pitcher ~ Pitcher’s Boutique

Gail Sheppard ~ Quilting Gail

Carol Stanek ~ Stitch with Color

Solomae Stoycoff – Cuddle Cat Quiltworks

Jennifer Thomas ~ Curlicue Creations

Suzy Webster ~ Websterquilt

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Recap Week 2 Runner Up Blog Hop


Here is a recap of week 2 of the Runner Up Blog Hop by Island Batik

Are you ready for another week’s projects recap? Our Ambassadors have been putting various tools by our friends and sponsors of this Blog Hop, Deb Tucker’s Studio 180 Design to the test, making precise and eye-catching units with ease. We hope that they inspire your next quilt!

As you hop along, be sure to note your favorites – when the Blog Hop is over, all 22 runners will be gathered for our Monthly Viewer’s Choice contest on February 28th, where you’ll have the chance to vote for the ultimate fan favorite and win a prize!

Be sure to check the Ambassadors’ blogs linked under the quilt images to learn more about their process, see beautiful detail shots and visit their bonus giveaways!

This week’s quilts featured the following Island Batik collections that are shipping to your local shops this month:

Forest Flora by Deb Tucker’s Studio 180 Design

Joyous by Jerry Khiev

Jubilee by Jerry Khiev

Just Dandy by Kate Colleran Designs

Leah Malasky, Quilted Delights

Connie Kresin Campbell, Freemotion by the River + BONUS GIVEAWAY!

Connie Kauffman, Kauffman Designs + BONUS GIVEAWAY!

Denise Looney, A Quiltery

Renee Atkinson, Pink Tulip Quilting + BONUS GIVEAWAY!

Brenda Alburl, Songbird Designs + BONUS BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY!

Lisa Pickering, Lisa’s Quilting Passion