The October Island Batik Ambassador Challenge is called It's In The Bag.
By Annie is one of the Island Batik Ambassador Sponsors and this is her month to shine. Each Ambassador was able to select a bag pattern to make and By Annie provided the pattern and all the hardware and things needed for the pattern.
Island Batik also allowed us to select which fabrics we wanted to make the bag with. What a great challenge!
This year I picked the Clam Up pattern and three fabrics from the Island Batik Baroque collection.
The Clam Up pattern has directions to make zippered pouches in 5 different sizes. They all nest inside each other. I thought these would be great to make as gifts.
Of all the By Annie patterns I've made over the years, this one is the easiest. You don't even have to quilt the fabric for the pouches which is a time saver. Along with the pattern By Annie sent a package of zippers by the yard and a package of Soft and Stable to make the pouches.
One reason I decided on Baroque for the fabrics was because I had some other fabrics from the collection left over from another quilt and then I could make each bag a different color.
The pattern comes with little labels that you put on the pieces as you cut them to keep everything in good order. (my photos show more than 5 sets as I was trying to make as many as I could)
The bag pattern itself was just one piece.
Here are bag patterns for 4 (I don't know where the 5th one got to!) along with the cut zippers and inner gusset pieces. Two lines are sewn in the middle where the sides will turn up. That's all the quilting that was done.
Zippers were easy to sew on using Annie's zippers which are a bit wider. The Zippers by the Yard also has enough pulls that you can have double pulls on each pouch.
The next thing to sew was the inner gussets. It was hard to get a close photo, but these make little sides to the inside of the pouch so things can't fall out of the pouch. They were easy to attach.
Here are the five bags from the pattern.
It is so neat that these all nest inside each other.
Here you can see the coordinating fabrics on the insides and also the gussets on the sides.
So colorful! These would be pretty in just about any fabrics.
I was able to make 8 bags with the package of Zippers by the Yard which you can purchase at
ByAnnie in 32 different colors!
Many thanks to Island Batik, By Annie for supplying products to use for this post thru the Island Batik Ambassador program.
Check out what bags the other Ambassadors have been making: