
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Amy Bradley's Doll House - Nursery Room

It's February and time for the 5th room in Amy Bradley's Doll House.  Remember you can purchase the pattern from Amy Bradley and join in at any time.

This month is the Nursery.  Such a fun block to make!  There are several little pieces to this block, so be careful they don't blow away before you iron them down!

    *Hint:  If you should happen to iron a piece with the fusible side up- it ends up stuck to your iron -           ask me how I know!  Here's my helpful hint:  take a used dryer sheet and iron over it with a warm         iron.  It will take off all the fusible!

There are a few lines to mark and top stitch on the mobile and the teddy bear.  You can sew the buttons on the pocket section before sewing.

 I think I want to place this room on the third floor on the right hand side.  I am making the doll house with 10 blocks.  If you are making the larger house, you have more options on where to place each room.  You can always change your mind on room placement before you sew the side sashings on.

My photo is kind of fuzzy, but you get the idea.

Here is my sister Jody's Sewing Room.  I love how she decided to make a mini quilt to hang on the wall instead of the window.

Next month we'll be showing the Bathrooms.  Have fun sewing!

1 comment:

  1. I am totally in love with this Dollhouse quilt! Thanks for sharing!
