
Friday, May 18, 2018

2018 Quilt Garden & Quilt

Today we finished planting the 2018 quilt garden at the Nappanee Center in Nappanee IN.  One and a half days of planting, and hours later we had rain!  Finished just in time!

The name of the garden this year is Connie's Bloomin' Stitches.  I'm very honored that they named the garden this year in my honor for the work I've done with the gardens and the quilts I've made of each garden.

Here I am with the quilt that was made for this years garden.  I replicate the garden design in the center block, and always add a border that compliments the design.

Here is what is on the label of the quilt:

Connie's Bloomin' Stitches is adapted from a pattern called Spools and was titled as a tribute to Connie Kauffman, who has authored several quilt pattern books.  This design was adapted, named and dedicated as the 11th anniversary quilt garden for 2018 to honor Connie for her creative fabric artistry.  The Committee opted to use one vertical spool in the garden design instead of the original 4 spool pattern. 

Connie has designed all of the quilts replicating the gardens that have been planted by the Nappanee Center Quilt Garden Committee.  She served on the committee for two years and has continued to serve as a "friend of the garden" with the spring plantings.

The 2018 quilt garden also features a wood crafted needle and a spool wound with colored rope that sits within the center quilt block.

2018 Quilt Garden Committe
Bonnie Borger          Jeff Kitson
Karen Clipp              Donna Persing
Dick Conrad             Wayne Scheumann
Sue Conrad               Stephanie Topping
Julie Dyjkstra           Sandy Witt
Lora Harp

If you are traveling in Northern Indiana this summer- be sure and take in the 18 gardens in the Quilt Gardens Along the Heritage Trail.


  1. Well deserved! Congratulations, Connie. Good to "see" you. Marilyn Hagopian

    1. Marilyn, you should come tour the gardens sometime!
