
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year - Old UFO's

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone!  I thought it would be nice to post a photo of some colorful quilts to get everyone inspired.  What I originally was going to post was a photo of a pile of my unfinished quilts....but decided that wasn't a very positive image for the new year!

Several months ago I decided to make a list of all my unfinished quilts (UFO's).  I've done this before, but always seem to lose my list (maybe that's intentional subconsciously?).  What inspired me to do this was the fact that we put new carpet down in our bedroom, which meant we had to move everything out of the room.  I have a cabinet and a table that were full of quilts- both finished and unfinished.  I seem to have quilts all over the house, but this was an undertaking.

I put all the UFO's together into a pile and placed them on my cutting table which is across from my sewing machine area. I made a list and felt rather smug that it wasn't unmanageable.  That is until I began to find more UFO's in other areas.  It seemed like I would find them all over!  My pile grew.  I thought that putting them on the cutting table right in front of me, I wouldn't forget them and I'd work at them slowly but surely.

What really happened was - I moved them off to use the cutting table and put them back.  Moved them off again, then somewhere else, over and over.  What REALLY happened was that they were in the way!  They were a real nuisance!

I did get a couple things finished, but a pile was still looming.  I finally moved them back into the bedroom (and out of sight once again).

What I learned from this frustration?  It was good to make a list.  It's great fun to cross something off once it's completed, and it keeps you on track.  I also made a list during the year of things that I finished- both new projects and UFO's.  That was a challenge to keep up, but very helpful.  I also told myself over and over again not to start anything I didn't think I'd finish - which is much easier said than done!  I did better this past year finishing what I started, so at least the pile hasn't gotten any bigger!

So this new year?  I'll keep my UFO list in mind.  Now I know where my projects are, and will work on something in between other deadlines when I can.  I'll make a new list of finished projects that I complete this year.  I look forward to creating!

What is your New Years resolution?  What will keep you motivated this year?


  1. I always try to focus on UFOs, but the list doesn't get any smaller! Oh well, all ya gotta do is try, right?

  2. I also have a huge pile of UFOs, and I resolve to start finishing them or give them away.

    1. Sometimes it works to give them away...can be a treasure to someone else!

  3. I have to clean my sewing room. It will be a challenge.

  4. I only have a few UFOs, but I hope to get all of them done this year. I think making a list would really help.

  5. I am a retired special education teacher who finds great joy in creating and quilting projects. I have so much to learn. Keeping my sewing room organized helps me want to work there. I like your blog.

  6. Beautiful blog. Thank you for the inspiration.

  7. I am guilty of getting excited about a new design and wanting to start it now!! Hence, my multitude of UFO's. I really do need to put them all in one place and make that list!

  8. Happy New Year! I have good intentions of not having more than 3 projects at any time. (I am not going to count those ready to quilt!)

  9. Thanks for the inspiration. I'm making lists of projects already started and ones in waiting. Good intentions for the new year.

  10. UFOs are like scraps...they multiply when you're not looking.

    I love making quilt tops. That's the fun and different part. Quilting and binding is basically the same for every quilt even if the quilt design is different. Last year I joined a year long UFO quilt along. We listed 12 UFOs that we wanted to have finished before the end of the year. Each month a number was drawn and we worked on that quilt. At the end of the year I had 12 finished projects. The best was since I was so busy finishing projects I didn't add as many new UFOs to the pile. I'm doing it again this year and I'm hoping to get 15 projects checked off the list. Good luck with your pile!

  11. Fabric always keeps me motivated:) I was gifted with some fat quarters, etc and I'm staying on task by quilting along online w/two bloggers. Also partaking in linkup for goal finishes, those really keep me on task.

    thank you
